Monday, May 24, 2010

" .. and so my biggest sin(S) had been wiped with the biggest sacrifice a
person could ever done, in fact, done with A MAN with the higest rank of all
prince-s, and the biggest thing I could ever pay back is by layin' down my
biggest love for myself to award HIM the first place in my heart... "

Saturday, May 22, 2010

life is uncertain,but that what makes the variety..

people aren't weird, they are unique..

we know so little when we think we know everything

one great thing of God is that He sees beyond what the naked eyes possibly see.

so today, I wanna ask His grace so that I will see things through His eyes...
so that my own eyes are cleaned,
when I give up the rights that were, are and always His.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hi !

from time to time, ive been posting long long words... now..

im thinking to put sth interesting..

my own artwork for my design paper in foundie!!!

I only have one to show you right now, mybe i can put some more later,,

FYI, to share my happiness w/ u, this one together with another poster, yes it is a poster,,,

I got an A+ for both!

Glory to God!!!

here you gooo...

oh yeah, the meaning behind this artwork ???

take a look at it for a while....

pretty obvious ay?

yeah. i made it for direct message as it is a poster for planetshakers,, haha

just joking, just pretending...

we should appriciate Christ's crucifaction, should't we?

WHOOPS!!! : if u can spot, there are some spelling mistkaes at the small detail.. that's cuz I made it late night and dont really take care of the spelling, cuz I thought people won't see those texts,,

but its actually pretty meaningful n important ay?

haha, sorry.. my bad..

thank you!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

" .. and so my biggest sin(S) had been wiped with the biggest sacrifice a
person could ever done, in fact, done with A MAN with the higest rank of all
prince-s, and the biggest thing I could ever pay back is by layin' down my
biggest love for myself to award HIM the first place in my heart... "

Saturday, May 22, 2010

life is uncertain,but that what makes the variety..

people aren't weird, they are unique..

we know so little when we think we know everything

one great thing of God is that He sees beyond what the naked eyes possibly see.

so today, I wanna ask His grace so that I will see things through His eyes...
so that my own eyes are cleaned,
when I give up the rights that were, are and always His.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hi !

from time to time, ive been posting long long words... now..

im thinking to put sth interesting..

my own artwork for my design paper in foundie!!!

I only have one to show you right now, mybe i can put some more later,,

FYI, to share my happiness w/ u, this one together with another poster, yes it is a poster,,,

I got an A+ for both!

Glory to God!!!

here you gooo...

oh yeah, the meaning behind this artwork ???

take a look at it for a while....

pretty obvious ay?

yeah. i made it for direct message as it is a poster for planetshakers,, haha

just joking, just pretending...

we should appriciate Christ's crucifaction, should't we?

WHOOPS!!! : if u can spot, there are some spelling mistkaes at the small detail.. that's cuz I made it late night and dont really take care of the spelling, cuz I thought people won't see those texts,,

but its actually pretty meaningful n important ay?

haha, sorry.. my bad..

thank you!!